Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB)

Areas of Expertise

  • Economic development
  • Gender Equality

Means of Action

  • Volunteer cooperation
  • Development
Country Country

Bolivia, Departments of La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba

Length Length

2022 - 2026

Beneficiaries Beneficiaries

360 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) run by women
376 women leaders, members of the Committee of Businesswomen and Women Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CEEB)
120 members of the Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CAMEBOL) 
25 directors of CEEB and CAMEBOL 
120 workers from the governments of Cochabamba, La Paz and Santa Cruz.
45 representatives of private sector market institutions 

Partners Partners

In consortium with Fundación Innovación en Empresariado Social (IES)

Partners : Cámara de Mujeres Empresarias de Bolivia CAMEBOL, Comité de Mujeres Emprendedoras y Empresarias de Bolivia CEEB, Gouvernements municipaux de Cochabamba, La Paz et Santa Cruz

Budget Budget

3,550,000 CAD funded by Global Affairs Canada

An Ecosystem Approach to Gender Transformation for Women's Economic Empowerment in Bolivia (TEA WEEB)

Over the past decade, Bolivian women have made unprecedented progress in terms of the dynamism and evolution of women's rights movements, increased education and literacy rates, lower birth rates, increased political participation, and property ownership. Bolivian women are subject to high levels of domestic violence and gender-based inequality, high rates of unemployment, low income and poverty. In addition, approximately 50% of women have a monthly income below the national minimum wage and are more likely to work in poor conditions, in informal jobs, or to be unemployed.

For this reason, the Project aims to promote inclusive economic growth by focusing on women-led micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the environment in which they operate in Bolivia.

The Project, carried out in collaboration with the IES Foundation (Foundation for Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship), will address three main problems faced by women-led MSMEs:

1) the lack of access to quality business development services (BDS) and networks for women-led MSMEs;
2) the unequal participation of women in decision-making spaces and processes, and;
3) a policy environment that does not recognize or respond to the needs and interests of women led MSMEs.

The Project will strengthen the economic and management capacities of 360 women-led micro, small and medium enterprises. 

The improved business development services offered to women-led MSMEs will also network them with other businesses, providing them with sustainable business development services tailored to their needs and interests through an innovative online and face-to-face portal. It will also link them to relevant production and market networks to consolidate and develop their activities.

This project aims to create an enabling and inclusive business environment that will better serve the needs of women entrepreneurs and women-led MSMEs. It will transform the unequal power relations between women and men within this ecosystem by addressing the root causes of gender inequality.

This includes supporting strong women leaders, as well as developing tools, trainings, and advocacy programs for financial, regulatory, and market institutions, associations, and policy-making bodies to address social biases and discrimination against women. The Project will also strengthen the capacity of the municipal governments where it will be active, Cochabamba, La Paz and Santa Cruz, to respond to the needs and interests of women-led MSMEs through their programs and services.

The Project will promote the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs and their employees, providing quality jobs. At the same time, it will foster a business environment based on a shared purpose and common values that strengthen collective commitment to the long-term sustainability of its gender equality outcomes.

The project in figures

Number of micro, small and medium-sized women-run businesses supported by the project


Number of jobs improved, mainly occupied by women

15 000

Number of women leaders, members of the Committee of Businesswomen and Women Entrepreneurs of Bolivia who will benefit from the project


Number of members of the Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CAMEBOL) who will benefit from the project


Number of people reached by targeted media awareness campaigns 

2 500

Thank you to our partners

In partnership with :

Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB) Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB) Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB) Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB) Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB)

In consortium with :

Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB)

With the financial support of :

Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem through a gender-based approach (TEA WEEB)